The Inspiration Celebration
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate” Oprah Winfrey

Have you read Mitch Albom’s “The Five People You Meet in Heaven”?

The premise is you never know how what you do and who you are being impacts and inspires others and can even change lives. And it could happen even if you don’t remember the person or event.

Other people often see you differently than you see yourself. They don’t have all your mind chatter clouding their view. They have a clearer idea of how amazing you are.

Have you noticed how when you’re listening to someone that has a problem, you can be supportive and make suggestions? You can look at the issue without thinking “What would my mother-in-law’s reaction be if I did this?”.

Because you are often overwhelmed with all the what-ifs and just living life, it’s easy to overlook the amazing things that are a part of you. Your self-esteem and confidence may suffer at times because you start to wonder what’s special about you.

What can you do to see with a clearer eye?
Speak up and share what you see in others, right now.

Sharing what you see will help you and others realize there is cause for celebration. It’s the journey not the destination that makes life so interesting.

Whenever you see someone who inspires you, tell them.
Whenever you see someone overcome an obstacle, tell them they are amazing.
Whenever you hear them put themselves down, tell them what you see that makes them so special.

And don’t forget to tell yourself the same things!
Start seeing yourself as you really are – magnificent!

It’s time for an Inspiration Celebration!